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Effective Date

January 1, 2017


To establish a Mother’s Day Out Committee to govern and provide accountability for the operations of the Mother’s Day Out Program at CrossWay Baptist Church


This policy is .


  1. The Mother’s Day Out Committee shall serve as the governing board for CrossWay’s Mother’s Day Out (MDO) Program, subordinate to the Board of Elders.
  2. The Mother’s Day Out Committee shall serve as the liaison between MDO staff and the CrossWay family. This Committee shall also help the MDO staff administer an effective MDO Ministry.
  3. The Mother’s Day Out Committee shall:
    1. Established and enforce MDO policies and structure–reviewing and updating policies and practices as deemed necessary,
    2. Negotiate space-sharing issues between MDO and other church ministries;
    3. Assist in organizing, supporting, promoting, and executing special MDO events (e.g. fundraisers, open houses, staff orientations, staff appreciation, etc.);
    4. Assisting in establish a MDO annual operating budget and reviewing it with the staff at least semi-annually;
    5. Assist in integrating MDO events with other church ministries (e.g. coordinating the calendars, keeping the purpose of such events in line with CrossWay’s Mission Statement, etc.);
    6. Assist in mediating any conflicts that may arise among MDO staff and parents; and
    7. Pray regularly for the MDO Program, its staff, and its families.
  4. Policies approved by the Mother’s Day Out Committee shall begin with MDO.


Chairman, Board of Elders | Date

Sherman C. Boyd | 2/21/2017

Clerk | Date

Sharon Conyers | 2/21/2017